
A journey through multiplayer games engineering

Backend Services for Games - Auth Service #2

In the previous article I’ve built the authentication functionality. It outputs the previously mentioned Auth Token: a token that allows the client to call protected API in a safe way. But, as I said, a new problem arises: The user must be able to continue with their session without providing login credentials every few minutes. Refresh the token The easiest method to implement the refreshing of the auth token is… Using the current and valid auth token to request a new one. Continue reading

Backend Services for Games - Auth Service #1

2021-04-10 11 min read Game Development Backend Emanuele Manzione
Let’s talk about the first service: the Auth Service. The project structure I can see you being so excited, but you need to wait a little bit more: I am starting a new project, so I first want to talk about how to organize it. I’ll code this service with C#, on ASP.NET 5. I create some C# projects: MHLab.Backend.Auth project: it contains the logic for the service itself. Continue reading

Backend Services for Games - Concepting

During my career I often worked as backend developer for multiple games. I find the whole topic really interesting: it offers nice challenges and forces you to learn a lot of new concepts in order to be effective at your job. On the other side, there is not so much material about backend development for games on the Internet. It seems like a very elitist topic. For this reason I decided to describe my process with some articles on this blog. Continue reading

Multiplayer RPG Series - Networking (TCP vs UDP)

And here we are with the first, real post about development of this project! I apologize for the huge delay. :) As most of you certainly noticed, we are planning to create a multiplayer game. This means that we need to communicate with other players around us: nobody likes a multiplayer game that has no multiplayer features! This directly brings us to our next need: we want a way to transfer data among players, to make them know about each other and about their actions. Continue reading

Multiplayer RPG Series - Concepting

So – as I said – to create this blog posts series I will develop a game step-by-step to help myself to understand what I need to write down. Before I start with code and tech, I want to do a little bit of concepting: just to have a straightforward target and to have well-formed ideas. Also, I will try to establish what I need to develop in order to complete this game. Continue reading

Multiplayer RPG Series - Introduction

Here we are: look at the title, rub your eyes, look at the title one more time! :) Yeah, yeah, I know what you are going to say: “finally”. And you are right: finally! After a lot of time, finally I decided to start this blog series: who followed me certain remembers that I announced this multiple times, but for various reasons I always delayed the starting of this project. Continue reading